Quality Innovation Award (QIA) - Training of assessors
On October 4, 2019 in Belgrade, the SRMEK Association organized the " Quality Innovation Award (QIA) - Training of assessors", the first training of its kind in Serbia. The training was implemented by Mr. Tani Järvinena, CEO of the Finnish Quality Association.
Quality Innovation Award is an annual, international competition established by the Finnish Quality Association in 2007. It aims to encourage companies and organizations from different industrial / service sectors in the innovation and development of products, processes ... which contribute to competitiveness, quality of life and well-being of users and the society of the participating countries. Association SRMEK became part of the competition, along with other organizations that promote quality, innovation and excellence.
The winners from each of the categories of the national competition are placed at the international level where they compete with other national winners. The innovation judged by the highest number of points by an international jury will be declared Innovation Innovation. The international winners of Quality Innovation Award are announced annually in an international award ceremony. (February 5-6, 2020, Tel Aviv, Israel)
In the introductory part of the training, the participants were introduced to:
- Concept of the Quality Innovation Award,
- Benefits for participants of the competition,
- The competition process (at the national and international level).
A key part of the training included the training of the assessors themselves through learning about:
- The roles and responsibilities of the assessor,
- Details of the assessment process,
- Criteria for evaluating the innovation as well as the evaluation process itself.
In addition to theoretical, through group work on practical examples, the evaluators have acquired the necessary knowledge to carry out the assessment process.
The training has also attracted the attention of the domestic media, and more can be read in a news article “By competing from idea to quality” HERE (In Serbian)