European Organization for Quality (EOQ) is an autonomous, non-profit association and one of the most respected quality organizations in Europe, an organization that strives for effective improvements in the field of quality management. EOQ was founded in 1956 and through its network includes national quality associations and other partner organizations from 30 countries, which have access to 70,000 members and 500,000 companies.

Two years ago, EOQ designed and launched a new quality recognition - the European Quality Trademark (EQTM). The aim is to promote and at the same time protect European products presented on the markets in Europe and around the world. The European quality mark is awarded to products of European origin. European origin is only one of the ten requirements that must be met (five of them related to the product and five to the company) for the successful approval and issuance of the EQTM recognition.

On Wednesday, 24.5. at 11:00 - 12:00 EOQ organizes a webinar on this topic. Invited are companies representatives from marketing and quality departments. Of course, free of charge, without any future obligations.


When: Wednesday, May 24, 2023 11:00-12:00 (UTC+01:00)

Where: Microsoft Teams Meeting


Basic facts about the new quality mark will be demonstrated. Its intention is to inaugurate and protect products of European origin presented on markets in Europe and around the world.

As guestMrs. Klavdija Kojc, commercial director of  Hand Tools Division, Unior d.d..will present the EQTM recognition that had been obtained.

Unior d.d.

Unior d.d. is one of the world biggest hand tools manufacturer, produces over 12 million of hand tools and sheet metal products per year. The company was established in 1919, what means that we celebrated our centenary four years ago. We have established a widespread network of sale and distribution worldwide. Our 3.500 different items have been presented in 120 countries all over the world. We've been devoted to quality and long-term fulfillment of our customers' expectations.

The European Quality Trademark certificate has added an additional seal of approval on the basis of our own development and production, customer satisfaction, and our social responsibility and commitment to sustainable development


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EOQ (Evropska organizacija za kvalitet) je najprestižnija organizacija za kvalitet u Europi, organizacija koja teži stalnim poboljšanjima na području upravljanja kvalitetom. EOQ je osnovana 1956. godine i preko svoje mreže uključuje nacionalna udruženja za kvalitet i druge partnerske organizacije u 30 zemalja, koje imaju pristup 70.000 članova i 500.000 kompanija.

EOQ je osmislio i lansirao European Quality Trademark - EQTM. Cilj je promovisati i ujedno zaštititi evropske proizvode na tržištima Evrope i sveta. Priznanje Evropski kvalitet dodjeljuje se proizvodima evropskog porekla. To je jedan od deset uslova koji moraju biti ispunjeni (od kojih se pet odnosi na proizvod, a pet na organizacije) za uspešno odobrenje i izdavanje EQTM priznanja.

U srijedu, 24.5. u 11:00 - 12:00 EOQ organizuje webinar na ovu temu. Pozivamo zainteresovana lica iz marketinga/kvaliteta, da prisustvuje i da se upozna sa postupkom dodele EQTM.  

Učešće na webinaru je besplatno, bez ikakvih budućih obveza.

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